Friday, August 14, 2015

Macro Photography

Taken by: Calista Gonzales
Macro photography is very useful if you are looking to make the subject into a stronger focal point. The usual goal of a photograph  that is taken using a Macro lens or setting, is to make the subject appear clear and detailed while the background appears fuzzy. 
This picture of two bear cubs is a representation of Marco photography. I zoomed in closer on my subjects to make them appear not only closer, but be able to capture them in a clearer detail. 

Taken by: Calista Gonzales
In this picture of a rose, I used the Macro setting and got very very close to the subject. The lens was nearly touching the flower when I took the shot, but I still managed to make the background appear very blurry and the petals of the flower to remain vibrant and clear in detail. 

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