Monday, February 8, 2016

Self Image: Blog 1

Question: What follows is a list of categories that serves to define and divide us. Make a personal list of the categories you belong to or have conflict with and visual symbols that are associated with each. Aspirations and expectations should also be listed.


1. Age/generation -

Today's generation is so focused on technology that we forget to look up at the things around us; the things that are alive and in the present. Kids forget that there are such things as paper books and their are worlds outside of video games and TV shows.
2. Gender -
Gender is not really anything that defines who we are anymore. I do not let it define me and I don't allow it to effect my opinion on anyone else. There are so many people who are different genders and some who don't even identify with either. Society as a whole has become more accepting of  who we are in that aspect at least.
3. Race-
Race, unfortunately, is still something that heavily defines us. It divides us even today, with such things as Black Lives Matter. Not hating, but I believe that every life matters. White, Mexican, Irish, Black, Hispanic, Spanish; all of them. Race effects the way we look at people and our first initial reactions to them. What follows is the choice to follow up on those first assumptions or to leave them be and walk away from a potential relationship.
4. Religion -
Religion is one of those things that seems to get in the way of all. I highly respect everyone's own choices but I do not believe that they should let those get in the way of effecting others. I personally believe that if what you are doing makes you happy and does not harm anyone else then there is no reason to stop.
5. Class or caste -
My family and I, I would classify as middle class. We are not highly wealthy and cannot afford everything in the world but we are at the point where we are comfortable enough to sustain yourself and to be happy with what we have. We are more fortune than a lot and though sometimes I wish for more this or more of that, the truth of the matter is there is nothing more I could ask for.
6. Personality -
Personality is something that is very important to me. That over anything tells me what defines a person. I aspire to have one of the best personalities that anyone has seen and to surround myself with those of similar people.
7. Intelligence -
Today's society, as I have come to see it, is not really based on intelligence levels. It is more centered around how someone looks and the drama going on behind the mask.Intelligence is something that is no longer valued as I believe it should be. Unlike a lot of people, I think a certain level of intelligence is required to properly connect with people and to have a good future as well as going about normal day to day life.
8. Political persuasion -
Political persuasion is something that is used very heavily in today's new world.  Everything revolves around it; something that I do not much appreciate. In some ways I believe that they have taken over our day to day lives and make things more difficult in conflicting relationships between partners, friends and sometimes even family. I do pay attention to politics to some extent but I do believe that if people spend less time worrying about them and more talking to the people around them a lot of things would change and fundamental relationships would strengthen.

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