Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Portrait and Studio Photography: Blog 3

Question: Collect four portrait images with two to five subjects.  In at least one image the subject should have been placed in the foreground. Comment on the arrangement of the subjects in relation to the camera and the effectiveness of the design.

 In this image, the model is placed slightly off center of the camera. This creates a dynamic aspect of the photograph and with the background adds a bit of moodiness to it.

The next image has an almost coy attitude because of the way that she has been placed in the image. Being placed closer in the foreground allows the viewer to get a more up-close and personal with her mood and just the overall image of the piece.

 This photograph has the same coy attitude as the one above, but this one is more playful. The center positioning of this image allows for the viewer to have direct contact with the subject.
 In this image, the photographer got very up close and personal with the image to create an dynamic effect. They used the arms as framing devices in order to add more of a realism effect to the photograph.  In my own opinion, this image in comparison to the other ones is a lot more appealing. It shows the character of the model as well as the friendly nature of her eyes. With the other images, there is still a connection with the viewer but not as deeply as with this image. 

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