1. In a few sentences, explain what your motivation was for the images you created.
Light painting utilizing people is always extremely difficult. My motivation for these pictures were to use a model to create capturing images that were interesting and fun to look at. I could do still life and make thing easier, as I did in the bottom photographs, but I chose to use a model because I wanted to challenge myself. I struggled with highlighting the correct parts of his face and what wold accent him and make him look stronger and with a more defined jaw line. The photograph below this was very hard to capture but it one of my favorite ones that I took during this shoot. I love the way these images came out and its something I want to try again.
2. In a bullet list, what, if any problems did you encounter during the assignment and explain why you think the problem occurred?
- I encountered the problems of camera shake, especially in the photography depicting the hand. It was hard for him to keep his hand still for so long, even though he was able to sit and stand very still. I think this problem occurred because we are human and holding anything in place for a set period of time is hard to do with out moving a little bit.
- I also encountered the problem of choosing what exactly to do with the light. To overcome these problems I used a camera-shake reduction in Photoshop and just messed around with painting his face and hair.
3.In a paragraph, indicate why did you choose the images(s) that you turned in? Give compositional, subject matter and technical explanations.
These are the images that I turned in because I believe that they most accurately display my love and skill for light painting. It is one of my favorite things to do, but it is also one of the hardest things. I believe these images emphasis a centered image in every photograph and each holds a mystical, almost dark feeling. The image where he looks like he has angel wings; that was not intended at all. I was messing around with the light and trying to highlight the lightbulb, going for the cliche 'light up idea' photograph but when I looked at the camera this had come out. I love the emphasis of the highlights under his chin and along his left eye, making the picture look deeper. The still life pictures were interesting to me as well and I really like the way that they came out. I enjoy the contrast in every image.
4. In a paragraph answer the following question. If you had to do this assignment again, what would you do differently and why
If I had to do this assignment differently, I would use gel lights to create a colored effect on the "wings" to make it appeal more to the audience. This picture is one of my favorites, but I believe that there are things that I could have done to make it appeal more to the audience. I would also used a variation of models in order to create more a dynamic appeal. The still life light painting, though I like it, I would have preferred to make the light in the background a little less bright to make more of an emphasis on the bottles.