2. In a bullet list, what, if any, problems did you encounter during the assignment and explain why you think the problem occurred?
- Camera shake
- Focusing
- I believe these problems occurred because light painting with people is always a tricky thing, especially when having them hold up an object completely still for more than a few seconds.
- I also encountered the problem of having too much lighting on one side of my model's face and shadows being to long on other areas.
3. In a paragraph, indicate why did you choose the images(s) that you turned in? Give compositional, subject matter and technical explanations.
I chose these images because I enjoyed the way they came out in the end. Each have an original quality and a lot of them use shallow depth of field. For the first image I wanted to create a cliche image that appealed to everyone. With the images that used an actual frame; I've always seem these types of images be done but I've never done any myself so I was excited to see how this came out.
4. In a paragraph answer the following question. If you had to do this assignment again, what would you do differently and why
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