Monday, December 12, 2016

Evaluation: Landscape

  1. In a few sentences, explain what your motivation was for the images you created
I wanted to create images that were appealing to the audience and me. I love vibrant colors and and HDR images. I also wanted to create images that told a story. 

2.In a bullet list, what, if any, problems did you encounter during the assignment and explain why you think the problem occurred?

  • I encountered the problem of exposure with some pictures and the glare of light
  • I also had problems with editing the horizon lines on the panoramic
  • I believe these problems occurred because I couldn't find a way to edit the exposure to the way I wanted it.

3.In a paragraph, indicate why did you choose the images(s) that you turned in? Give compositional, subject matter and technical explanations.

I chose these images because they are very appealing to me in many aspects. I enjoy the HDR picture of the stairs because I feel like it has an emphasis on leading lines and it the eye is drawn to the top where the arch is. I love the contrast images and the vibrant colors that are present. For the Surgeon's Bead and Breakfast sign, I enjoy the rule of thirds aspect that the pictures holds and the reds, greens and blues that shine in the picture. The panoramic pictures were taken off of Airport road after a long hike. I love how you can see the extent of the canyon in both, and the road that travels an unknown place in the distance.

4. In a paragraph answer the following question. If you had to do this assignment again, what would you do differently and why.

If I had to do this assignment again, I would choose to create take pictures of more things for HDR and get more panoramic pictures of Airport Road. I would also choose to take more pictures of the city of Jerome to create a more dynamic view of panoramic images.

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