Sunday, January 24, 2016

Time: Blog 2

Objective:  Find an example of a photograph where the photographer has used a very fast shutter speed and describe the subject matter including the background. Discuss any technical difficulties the photographer may have encountered and how he or she may have overcome them.
-Discuss what happened to the depth of field and why
-Discuss weather the image gives you the feeling of movement, stating the reasons for your conclusion

In this photograph, the shutter speed was set very high in order to catch the details in the seconds when the bubble popped. Within the bubble, you can clearly see the reflection and the vibrant blues and purples and even hints of yellow. I find it highly appealing that the photograph allows you to see the bubble that is in the progress of popping. The images gives me the feeling that the bubble is slowly disintegrating. This is because of the direction in witch everything is traveling and of coarse, the shards of soapy water that are spraying over the surface of the bubble.  The depth of field became more shallow because the photographer wanted our attention to be on the bubble popping and more importantly why  it was popping (because of the hand of coarse!) Some difficulties the photographer had to overcome was of coarse, finding the right second in witch the bubble was about to pop. I'm sure there were many frustrating pictures before this master piece was created! This would have been overcome by retaking the shot until he/she reached the desired effect.

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