Sunday, January 24, 2016

Time: Blog 4

Objective: Find a photograph where the photographer has used a slow shutter speed and describe the subject matter including the background. Discuss any technical difficulties the photographer may have encountered and how these may have been over come.

The photographer could have run into the difficulties of the 'sparks' blurring or streaking. These may have been overcome by testing the theory of the image first and adjusting the shutter speed accordingly to achieve the desired effect. The background is blurred out, though if one looks close enough you can detect what appears to be a back wall. The subjects themselves hold a very romantic atmosphere. The images makes on feel happy and encouraged. The contrast is very well defined and the colors are very interesting; my eye is instantly drawn to the umbrella because of how vivid it is compared to the rest of the image. The sparks add an almost cliche effect to the piece, giving it warmth and layers of light. Overall, I very much enjoyed the composition of this piece.

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